OxyContin vs. Oxycodone

OxyContin and oxycodone can both be deadly when abused. These powerful opioid pain-relievers can do incredible good when taken properly and prescribed and monitored by a physician that understands the possible addiction both of these opioids can create. They are often prescribed for relief from extreme pain, and are usually administered in some type of time-release formula.

Oxycodone is the active ingredient, and is usually combined with other medications, chemicals, powders or liquids. Just because it is mixed with other substances, it doesn’t mean it can’t still be incredibly addictive, dangerous and even deadly when abused. You may find Tylenol, Ibuprofen or some other low-level pain reliever combined with oxycodone. Brand-name precription pain relievers such as Percodan, OxyContin and Percocet all include some level of oxycodone.


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OxyContin, however, has only one ingredient … oxycodone. Since the level of addictive, pain-relieving oxycodone is much higher in OxyContin than in some product which combines oxycodone with other chemicals, OxyContin should be considered highly addictive and taken responsibly and under close physician supervision.

OxyContin does contain time-release restrictions when obtained in a legal, prescribed form. However, abusers and addicts have found that crushing the tablet or mixing it in water removes the time-release restriction, and the rush of euphoria is immediate. Withdrawals after taking OxyContin irresponsibly are severe, and this is what makes OxyContin so much more addictive than medications which combine oxycodone with other chemicals and medicines.

OxyContin abuse has been found to be one of the leading causes to the current opioid epidemic causing widespread heroin use nationwide. Opioid abuse leads to addiction so quickly because the user is always seeking the high they received when they first abused the drug. The build up a tolerance to the drug over time leading to more frequent use as well as stronger drugs such as fentanyl and carfentanil. 


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